Selected Publications

  • Stewart, A. J., Grabe, S., & Zheng, W. (2024). Women’s movement activism in authoritarian states: Lessons from the Global Feminisms Project. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society49(2), 385-409. PDF
  • Grabe, S. (2023). Decolonizing feminist knowledge: The standpoint of majority world feminist activists in Perú. Feminism & Psychology: An International Journal. PDF
  • Grabe, S. (2022). Feminist approaches to gender equity in Perú: The roles of conflict, militancy, and pluralism in feminist activism. Frontiers in Psychology, section Gender, Sex and Sexualities, 13, 1-13. PDF
  • Grabe, S. (2020). Research methods in the study of intersectionality in psychology: Examples informed by a decade of collaborative work with majority world women's grassroots activism. Frontiers. PDF
  • Grabe, S., Rodriguez-Ramirez, D., & Dutt, A. (2020). Reproductive justice: The role of community-based organizational participation in reproductive decision-making and educational aspiration among women  in Nicaragua. Journal of Social Issues.PDF
  • Dutt, A. & Grabe, S. (2019). Understanding processes of transformative change: A qualitative inquiry into empowering sources and outcomes identified by women in rural Nicaragua. Sex Roles.10.1007/s11199-019-1005-1. PDF
  • Grabe, S. & Dutt, A. (2019). Community intervention in the societal inequity of women's political participation: The development of efficacy and citizen participation in rural Nicaragua. Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community. DOI: 10.1080/10852352.2019.1627080. PDF
  • Dutt, A. & Grabe, S. (2017). Gender ideology and social transformation: Using mixed methods to explore the role of deideologization in the promotion of women's human rights in Tanzania. Sex Roles. doi:10.1007/s11199-016-0729-4. PDF
  • Grabe, S. (2016a). Transnational feminism in psychology: Moving beyond difference to investigate processes of power at the intersection of the global and local. In T.A. Roberts, N. Curtin, L. Cortina, & L. Duncan (Eds.), Feminist Perspectives on Building a Better Psychological Science of Gender. (pp. 295-318). Springer International Publishing. PDF
  • Grabe, S. (2016b). Transnational feminism in psychology: Women’s human rights, liberation, and social justice. In P. Hammack (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Social Psychology and Social Justice. Oxford University Press. DOI:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199938735.013.20. PDF
  • Dutt, A., Grabe, S., & Castro, M. (2016). Exploring links between women's business ownership and empowerment among Maasai women in Tanzania. Analysis of Social Issues and Public Policy16, 363-386. PDF.
  • Grabe, S. (2015). Participation: Structural and relational power and Maasai women's political subjectivity in Tanzania. Feminism & Psychology, 25, 528-548. PDF
  • Grabe, S., & Dutt, A. (2015). Counter narratives, the psychology of liberation, and the evolution of a women’s social movement in Nicaragua. Peace & Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. 21(1), 89-105. PDF
  • Grabe, S., & Grose, R., & Dutt, A. (2015). Women’s land ownership and relationship power: A mixed methods approach to understanding structural inequities and violence against women. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 39, 7-19. PDF
  • Dutt, A., & Grabe, S. (2014). Lifetime activism, marginality, and psychology: Narratives of lifelong feminist activists committed to social change.  Qualitative Psychology, 2, 107-122. PDF
  • Grose, R. & Grabe, S. (2014). The explanatory role of relationship power and control in domestic violence against women in Nicaragua: A feminist psychology analysis. Violence Against Women, 20, 972-993. PDF
  • Grabe, S., Dutt, A., & Dworkin, S. (2014). Women’s community mobilization and well-being: Local resistance gendered social inequities in Nicaragua and Tanzania. Journal of Community Psychology, 42, 379-397. PDF
  • Grabe, S. (2014). Invited chapter. Rural feminism and revolution in Nicaragua.  Voices of the compañeras. In J. Shayne (Ed.). Taking Risks: Feminist Stories of Social Justice Research in the Americas (pp. 279-308). SUNY Press. PDF
  • Grose, R. & Grabe, S. (2014). Sociocultural attitudes surrounding menstruation and alternative menstrual products: The explanatory role of self-objectification. Health Care for Women International, 35, 677-694. PDF
  • Grose, R. & Grabe, S., Kohfeldt, D. (2013). Sexual education, gender ideology, and youth sexual empowerment.  Journal of Sex Research, 51, 742-753. PDF
  • Grabe, S. (2013). Invited chapter: Psychological cliterodectomy: Body objectification as a human rights violation. In M. K. Ryan & N. R. Branscombe (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Gender and Psychology. Sage. PDF
  • Dworkin, S., Grabe, S., Lu, T., Hatcher, A., Kwena, Z., Bukusi, E., Mwaura-Muiru, E. (2012). Property rights violations in Nyanza and Western Provinces, Kenya: A qualitative  examination of this critical structural driver of women's HIV risks. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 10.1007/s10508-012-0024-6. PDF
  • Grabe, S. & Else-Quest, N. M. (2012). The role of transnational feminism in psychology: Complimentary visions. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 36, 158-161. PDF
  • Else-Quest, N. M. & Grabe, S. (2012). The political is personal: Measurement and application of national-level indicators of gender equity in psychological research. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 36, 131-144. PDF
  • Grabe, S. (2012). An empirical examination of women’s empowerment and transformative change in the context of international development. American Journal of Community Psychology, 49, 233-245. PDF
  • Grabe, S. (2010). Promoting gender equality: The role of ideology, power, and control in the link between land ownership and violence in Nicaragua. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 10,146-170. PDF
  • Grabe, S. (2010). Invited chapter: Women’s human rights and empowerment in a transnational, globalized context: What’s Psychology got to do with it? In M. A. Paludi (Ed.), Feminism and Women's Rights Worldwide. (pp. 17-46). Westport, CT. Praeger Publishers/Greenwood Publishing Group. PDF
  • Grabe, S. & Hyde, J. (2009). Body objectification, MTV, and psychological outcomes among female adolescents. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 39, 2840-2858.. PDF
  • Grabe, S. & Arenas, C. (2009). Promoting gender equality through development: Land ownership and domestic violence in Nicaragua. Gendered Perspectives on International Development. Working Paper #295. East Lansing, MI: Gender, Development, and Globalization Program, Michigan State University. PDF
  • Grabe, S. & Jackson, B. (2009). Self-objectification and depressive symptoms: Does their association vary among Asian American and White American men and women? Body Image: An International Journal, 6, 141-144. PDF
  • Gentile, B., b., Dolan-Pascoe, B., Twenge, J. M., Wells, B. E., & Maitino, A. (2009). Gender differences in domain-specific self-esteem: A meta-analysis. Review of General Psychology, 13, 34-45.  PDF
  • Grabe, S., Ward, L.M., & Hyde, J. S. (2008). The role of the media in body image concern among women: A meta-analysis of experimental and correlational studies. Psychological Bulletin, 134, 460-476. PDF
  • Hyde, J. & Grabe, S. (2008). Invited chapter: Meta-analysis in the psychology of women. In F. L. Denmark & M. A. Paludi (Eds.), Psychology of women: A handbook of issues and theories (pp. 142-173). Westport, CT. Praeger Publishers/Greenwood Publishing Group. PDF
  • Lindberg, S., Grabe, S., & Hyde, J. (2007). Gender, pubertal development, and peer sexual harassment predict objectified body consciousness in early adolescence. Journal for Research on Adolescence, 17, 723-742. PDF
  • Grabe, S., Hyde, J., & Lindberg, S. (2007). Body objectification and depression in adolescents: The role of gender, shame, and rumination. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 31, 164-175. PDF
  • Grabe, S. & Hyde, J. S. (2006). Ethnicity and body dissatisfaction among women in the United States: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 132, 622-640. PDF
  • Grabe, S. & Hyde, J. (2006). Invited chapter. Impact of gender on leadership. In M. F.Karsten (Ed.), Gender, race, ethnicity in the workplace: Issues and challenges for today’s organizations (pp. 183-198). New York: Greenwood.
  • Grabe, S., Routledge, C., Cook, A., Andersen, C., & Arndt, J. (2005). In defense of the body: The effect of mortality salience on female body objectification. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 29, 33-37.

Publications translated in Spanish

  • Grabe, S. (2016). Narrando una Psicología de la Resistencia: Voces de las Compañeras en Nicaragua. Oxford University Press. PDF
  • Grabe, S. (2011). Un examen empírico del empoderamiento y cambrio transformador de la mujer en el contexto del desarrollo internacional. American Journal of Community Psychology PDF
  • Grabe, S. (2010). La promoción de la igualdad de género: El papel de la ideología, el poder y el control en la relación entre la propiedad de tierras y la violencia en Nicaragua. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 10,146-170.  PDF
  • Grabe, S. & Arenas, C. (2009). Promoviendo la igualdad de género por medio del desarrollo: Propiedad de la tierra y violencia doméstica en Nicaragua. Gendered Perspectives on International Development. Working Paper #295. East Lansing, MI: Gender, Development, and Globalization Program, Michigan State University.  PDF
  • Due to the political crisis in Nicaragua, the Narrating book was not published in Nicaragua. The translation is instead available full-text here: Grabe, S. (2016). Narrando una Psicología de la Resistencia Voces de las Compañeras en Nicaragua. Oxford University Press.


Falcon, S. Grabe, S., & Maroto Vargas, A. (2023). Las Voces de Mujeres Feministas Agentes de Cambio en Perú. Kimochi Press.

Grabe, S. (2017). Women's Human Rights: A Social Psychological Perspective on Resistance, Liberation, and Justice. Oxford University Press.

Grabe, S. (2016). Narrating a Psychology of Resistance: Voices from the Compañeras in Nicaragua. Oxford University Press.

Due to the political crisis in Nicaragua, the Narrating book was not published in Nicaragua. The translation is instead available full-text here: Grabe, S. (2016). Narrando una Psicología de la Resistencia Voces de las Compañeras en Nicaragua. Oxford University Press.


  • Whalen, K. (Producer), & Grabe, S. (Director). (2013). In Justice and in Health Women’s Land Ownership in Nicaragua. [Documentary]. University of California Press. (Available from

Keynote/Invited Talks

  • United Nations, Invited talk (April, 2019). Transforming Structural Inequities that allow the Continuation of Violations against Women. Presented at Psychology Day, United Nations meeting, New York City, NY.
  • Society for the Psychology of Women, Invited Keynote (August, 2015). Gender (in)justice in a transnational, globalized context: What’s psychology have to do with it?  American Psychological Association, Toronto, CA.

  • United Nations, Invited talk (March, 2014).  Structural and individual components of empowerment that matter: Women’s land ownership and social justice in Nicaragua and Tanzania. Presented at the Commission on the Status of Women, United Nations meeting, New York City, NY.